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>> Monday, August 30, 2010
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of USC. All opinions are 100% mine.
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of USC. All opinions are 100% mine.
One of the big atheistic arguments against Christianity is the claim that Jesus never existed. You can find these arguments at this site: The most influential person that ever lived was Jesus Christ. If Jesus never existed, then the entire world and most religions are based on a lie about a man that never even existed. That is a whole lot harder for me to believe. What are the chances of this kind of lie being so convincing that most religions would based their teachings on it. Every religion talks about him in one form or another and the majority of the world are religious. This type of statement would be along the same line as the people who believe that the earth is flat. You can visit the flat earth website here: My guess is that they have about one member. The atheists on their website gives their Old Testament evidence which consists of one paragraph. It is probably because they never took the time to read the Old Testament because it is filled with evidence for Jesus. They say, “Despite the claims of Christian apologists, there is absolutely nothing in the Old Testament (OT) that is of relevance to our question, apart from the possible fact that some prophets may have thought that an ‘anointed one’ (a rescuer king or priest) would once again assume the leadership of the Jewish world.” This quote demonstrates that they have never actually read the Old Testament. They make other statements such as, “It is clear that the gospels of Matthew and Luke could not possibly have been written by an eye-witness of the tales they tell.” They go on to make other crazy claims. Do they also claim that Napoleon never lived? Do they claim that Aristotle and Socrates never lived? Do they also claim that other historical people never lived? Of course not, because like I said before, Atheist only hate Christianity.
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Hampton Hotels. All opinions are 100% mine.
I have been having a conversation with a hardcore evolutionist concerning radiometric dating methods. He gave me an article written by a so-called Christian that wrote a paper on the evidence for radiometric dating and how accurate it is.
Evolutionist think that radiometric dating is absolute. Here is a video by a scientist concerning radiometric dating and he demonstrates that it definitely isn't absolute. Water can destroy radiometric dating so if a world wide flood occurred, you couldn't get an accurate date from radiometric dating. That is just one problem. Another problem is the assumption that the rate of decay remained constant. That is a big problem if the earth is millions of years old.
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Hampton Hotels. All opinions are 100% mine.
This information is taken from the Atheist website:
It is only in 180 CE, with Irenæus of Lyons, that we learn who wrote the four "canonical" gospels and discover that there are exactly four of them because there are four quarters of the earth and four universal winds. Thus, unless one supposes the argument of Irenæus to be other than ridiculous, we come to the conclusion that the gospels are of unknown origin and authorship, and there is no good reason to suppose they are eye-witness accounts of a man named Jesus of Nazareth.
It is clear that the gospels of Matthew and Luke could not possibly have been written by an eye-witness of the tales they tell. Both writers plagiarized (largely word-for-word) up to 90% of the gospel of Mark, to which they add sayings of Jesus and would-be historical details. Ignoring the fact that Matthew and Luke contradict each other in such critical details as the genealogy of Jesus…
But what about the gospel of Mark, the oldest surviving gospel? Attaining essentially its final form probably as late as 90 CE but containing core material dating possibly as early as 70 CE, it omits, as we have seen, almost the entire traditional biography of Jesus, beginning the story with John the Baptist giving Jesus a bath, and ending - in the oldest manuscripts - with women running frightened from the empty tomb. (The alleged post resurrection appearances reported in the last twelve verses of Mark are not found in the earliest manuscripts, even though they are still printed in most modern bibles as though they were an "authentic" part of Mark's gospel.) Moreover, "Mark" being a non-Palestinian non-disciple, even the skimpy historical detail he provides is untrustworthy.
The problem with the Atheist argument is that they attempt to discredit the documents based on the already perceived hatred for Christianity. They do not intellectually analyze the evidence. They assume Irenæus was incorrect because they don’t agree with some of his views. If they conclude a writer is insane, then they will discount anything the writer has to say. If I followed that rule today, then I would conclude that most of Hollywood is insane, and most of our government is insane. I mean, I don’t agree with so many people it is hard to count. Our government has used 900 billion dollars to bail out Wall Street, and if that isn’t insane, then I don’t know what is. Just because you don’t agree with someone, doesn’t mean that they are inaccurate when they are talking about a particular event.
Plagiarism wasn't the evil word that it is today. I don't see any problem if Mathew and Luke took some of the information from Mark's Gospel. That doesn't mean that what Luke and Mathew said was not accurate information. They also state that Mark's Gospel is untrustworthy because he wasn't a disciple. Why is that? You can't be an eye witness unless you are a disciple? There they go again making an assumption without any logic. The Apostle Paul wasn't an original disciple and he wrote most of the New Testament.
These Atheist will do what ever they can to discredit the Bible, but the accuracy of the Bible is a whole lot better then the evidence they have for Evolution.
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Boost Mobile. All opinions are 100% mine.
I have been accused on my blog of not supporting science because I am against the theory of evolution. That is because the theory of evolution is a fraud and shouldn't be called science. There is another theory that also has a political spin and that is the theory of Global Warming. I am not saying that the earth hasn't gotten a few degrees hotter, but I am saying that it is a natural phenomenon. In the 1970s, some people were claiming global cooling and now today they are claiming global warming to the point where they are passing laws that are going to crash our economy.
"I have compared global warming alarmism as a kind of religion, complete with its own versions of sin, repentance, atonement, ritual (kids go through recycling drills) and indulgence (purchase carbon offsets to compensate for your private jet travel). Now it turns out that there’s another element: a desire to kill heretics. Here’s a collection of calls for executions of “global warming deniers.” I don’t see any specifics on what method should be used. Burning at the stake, an old favorite, might produce too much in the way of carbon emissions. Lethal injection might require use of petrochemicals produced from carbon-emitting fossile fuels. Perhaps hanging by the neck until dead with a noose made of natural fibers produced on a certified organic farm which was not reclaimed from rain forest."
When is comes to these crazy theories in science, I rather take the side of the scientists that are not in the majority. The scientists that are usually the zealots are the ones that over look the facts and ignores the evidence. That is because they need to believe in their theory even if it isn't true. It has become a religion to them. Evolution is a religion, and so is Global Warming.
At this site, someone claims that almost no scientists are coming out against Global Warming.
"Well for one thing there aren't very many. There are virtually no climate scientists who dispute that humans are causing global warming. There are a few who dispute that future warming will be particularly dangerous."
This statement is incorrect, because according to what was released on May 19th, over 31,000 scientists signed a petition against Global Warming.
Just like with the theory of evolution where people get fired for not believing it, that would apply to the scientists that don't support Global Warming. Some governments are too involved with passing laws in support of it. Global Warming is a way that the environmental groups can get what they want. People in this country always believes in science as absolute without every questioning it.
"Now, according to three new studies published in the journal Science, it turns out those conclusions based on satellite and weather balloon data were based on faulty analyses."
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Website & Web Marketing Solutions. All opinions are 100% mine.
Prediction: The Natural phenomena will satisfactorily describe the origin of astrophysical objects. | Prediction: Any scientific analysis for the origin of the universe will call for an uncaused intelligence. Astrophysical objects will defy naturalistic explanations indicating that they could not have happened without external engineering. |
The best naturalistic proposal for the origin of the universe is the Big Bang theory. Here are some of the phenomena that the Big Bang has not explained with known scientific laws: the origin of the time, space, matter continuum the origin of the great explosion the formation of galaxies the formation of stars from expanding clouds of hydrogen the formation of binary stars the formation of planets and their moons the formation of the laws of nature Other naturalistic explanations have even more serious problems often contradicting the laws of causality and of thermodynamics. The Steady State theory, for example, states that matter is somehow constantly being created in the “center” of the universe. If there is a creator, then this theory could be entertained, but it is not a naturalistic explanation. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed. |
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of NMEDA. All opinions are 100% mine.
This is an interesting prophecy that I read in a book. This prophecy doesn’t prove anything, but it is just interesting that it happened to come out this way. Is this a significant prophecy? I will leave that up for you to decide.
(NIV version)
Ezekiel 4:3-6 says, “Then take an iron pan, place it as an iron wall between you and the city and turn your face toward it. It will be under siege, and you shall besiege it. This will be a sign to the house of Israel. Then lie on your left side and put the sin of the house of Israel upon yourself. You are to bear their sin for the number of days as the years of their sin. So for 390 days, you will bear the sin of the house of Israel. After you have finished this, lie down again, this time on your right side, and bear the sin of the house of Judah. I have assigned you 40 days, a day for each year.”
If you noticed that God has decreed punishment for Israel for 390 days and 40 days which is 430 days. He then says that each day will be a year.
Therefore, 430 years of captivity has been decreed for Israel.
In Jeremiah 25:11 it says, “This whole country will become a desolate wasteland, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years.”
Israel was in captivity from 606BC to 536BC for 70 years. Therefore, you can subtract that 70 years from 430 and you arrive at 360 years.
In Leviticus 26:18 it says, “If after all this you will not listen to me, I will punish you for your sins seven times over.”
So, if Israel didn’t listen to God and God punished them 7 times over, then you can multiply the 360 years by 7 and you end up with 2,520 years.
The Jewish people had a different calendar so you should convert the 2,520 to the Jewish calendar.
2520*360 (Jewish Calendar)=907,200 and divide 907,200 by our calendar of 365.25 you get 2483.80 years.
The Babylonian captivity ended at 536BC so if you take 2483.8-536 and + 1 (because there isn’t any zero AD) you end up with:
1948 which is the year of the rebirth of Israel.
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of FriendGiftr. All opinions are 100% mine.
The Knights Templar is affiliated with the Freemasons. In some countries, it is a seperate order. The members of the order have to be Master Masons of a Christian faith or defenders of the Christian faith. Some people claim that the Knights Templar were protectors of the Ark of the Covenant.
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Ashworth College. All opinions are 100% mine.
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