Homologous Elements: One big happy family? Part 18

>> Friday, January 29, 2010

Homologous Elements: One big happy family?
The Naturalistic Evolutionary Model:An Intelligent Design -
Young Earth/Cataclysm Model:

Homologous elements will point to relationships and lineage among classes of organisms.

Homologous elements will be discontinuous appearing in unrelatable classes of species.

Many studies have shown potential relationships among and across species. Whether these relationships are inherited or the reflection of design is disputed.

The genome studies of DNA show a high correlation between phyla suggesting hereditary or designed relationships. For example some have suggested that homologous elements between two supposed close relatives chimpanzees and humans in the DNA code might be as high as 98%. If the human gene code has 3 billion nucleotides in sequence than a 2% difference indicates 60 million items of information modifications to the code. How many generations of evolution would this much change imply?

Based upon common characteristics, all mammals are supposed to be related. No sequence of inherited characteristics, however, has been described scientifically in detail. There have only been proposed grand sequences without any evidence. For example some evolutionists have proposed that hippos are predecessors to whales. Darwin suggested swimming bears could have evolved into whales. Carl Sagan helped develop a mural for National Geographic where mammals became whales. Yet, there is no described sequence with realistic discrete intermediary steps from one to another.

There are many examples of discontinuous design elements found in unrelatable species. Here are four examples of mammals with relatable design elements found in peers. There are no satisfactory presupposed common ancestors. For these species similarities are more easily used as criteria for classification and support the argument for design rather than the theory for

common descent:
Several marsupial species that keep their new-born in a pouch, and suckle their young in their belly have look-alike placental mammals including: the wolf, the flying squirrel, cats, ground hogs, anteaters, moles, and mice.

Bats fly like birds, and have radar like dolphins.

The duckbilled platypus has fur, is warm-blooded, and suckles its young (like mammals); it lays leathery eggs, has a single ventral opening for elimination, mating and birth, and has claws and a shoulder girdle (like most reptiles); it can detect electrical currents, both AC & DC (like some fish) and has a bill like a duck (a bird). Furthermore, it has webbed forefeet like an otter; a flat tail like a beaver and the male can inject poisonous venom like a pit viper. Are these complex abilities by design, or are they the result of hundreds of thousands of discrete positive mutations from a totally unknown series of ancestors?

The panda has many structures similar to bears and other structures similar to raccoons such that evolutionary biologists are perplexed about classifying it between the two categories.

Note: Some atheistic evolutionist are still trying to compare Creationist to people who believed in the Flat Earth view. Comments like this just shows the complete ignorance and stupidity of these atheist. If Creationism was this unscientific, then there wouldn't be any famous scientists who would believe it, which there are. You should do your research before making stupid statements like this. I would prefer to stick with the scientific facts, and not ignorant comments.
Go To Part 19


Haeckel’s Pictures: Do embryos rehearse evolutionary stages? Part 17

>> Saturday, January 23, 2010

Haeckel’s Pictures: Do embryos rehearse evolutionary stages?
The Naturalistic Evolutionary Model:An Intelligent Design -
Young Earth/Cataclysm Model:

The stages of evolution will be confirmed in embryonic stages of complex organisms such as mammals.

Any supposed similarity
between embryonic stages and evolution will be found to be superficial.

This idea, which is often displayed in science textbooks has since been modified by evolutionary scientists. The man who originally proposed this idea, Ernst Haeckel, purposely falsified his drawings to improve the acceptance of his theory. Since that time further study has indicated that there are similarities in stages of embryo development that could be interpreted in evolutionary terms.

However, embryo development clearly does not rehearse evolutionary stages.


First Life: Where did it come from? Part 16

>> Sunday, January 17, 2010

First Life: Where did it come from?
The Naturalistic Evolutionary Model:An Intelligent Design -
Young Earth/Cataclysm Model:

Complex pre-biotic compounds and highly complex organic molecular structures will naturally and randomly occur from inorganic compounds. These combinations will show the potentiality of self-replication.

Organic structures will defy experimental and descriptive attempts to define paths from inorganic compounds;
these will not occur naturally.

Under experimentally controlled laboratory conditions chemical mixtures have been shown to form sub-organic particles including certain amino acids (the sub-elements of proteins, which, in turn, are the building blocks to life). The most famous of these experiments are the Miller-Urey experiments of the1950’s. However, the controlled chemical environments used in these intelligently designed experiments are not believed to have existed on the earth at any stage in its history. Had the amino acids that were formed in these experiments not been separated from the mix, then they would have been destroyed by the continued application of electrical charges that had helped them form in the first place. The presence of oxygen in these experiments, an element now believed to have been present in the original earth’s atmosphere, would have ruined any positive results by oxidation or explosion.

One evolutionary scientist estimated that the random possibility of forming one particular protein from a soup containing all of the necessary amino acids was 1 in 10200 . If all the atoms of the earth including it’s atmosphere were to react at least once every second for a billion years, there would be far less then 1070 reactions. Therefore to randomly form only one protein is impossible. How would nature accidentally form the 300 to 600 discrete proteins needed to form the first hypothetical cell in the same pre-biotic “soup” even if the “soup” had the advantage of having all of the 20 or more amino acids in the abundant and proportional quantities needed to form these proteins?

The elements formed in these and similar experiments are as far away from writing the genetic code for the simplest proposed life forms as random words in alphabet soup are from writing the Encyclopedia Britannica.

If the thousands of chemical elements in real cells were present in some “soup”, these would chemically react with each other and eliminate any possibility of forming a cell. The bonding affinities anticipated among chemical elements, which would allow cell structures to naturally form in hypothetical “soups”, have been contradicted by experiment. For example, some evolutionary scientists were disappointed to find that the pre-biotic compounds that might have formed in a warm volcanic pool actually bonded to the mud and were therefore not able to create the simplest of elements that could in turn have served as building blocks for biological compounds.

It is beyond all reason to think that chance processes could produce a membrane-encased, self-reproducing, energy synthesizing, metabolizing, living cell. There is no evidence that any stable states exist between the assumed naturalistic formation of proteins and the formation of the first living cells…the fantastic jump in complexity could not have happened even if the entire universe had been filled with proteins.
(paraphrased from Brown In the Beginning p.12.)

Biogenesis has defied explanation to the degree that some well-reputed evolutionists (including Dawkins) have proposed that first life was seeded on earth by extraterrestrials. This only begs the question of the origin of these extraterrestrials, not to mention their ability to travel across space and time…


Fossils: What Kind of Fossils are found and in what order? Part 15

>> Monday, January 11, 2010

Fossils: What Kind of Fossils are found and in what order?
The Naturalistic Evolutionary Model:An Intelligent Design -
Young Earth/Cataclysm Model:

Fossils will be relatively rare.
Most fossils will be of great antiquity.

The fossil record, though incomplete, will reveal abundant evidence of intermediate extinct species and lineages found in bottom to top chronological order in the earth’s strata.

Modern species will be quite distinct from primitive species.

The fossil record will show that all manner of plants & animals were buried quickly, together, in mud.
Groupings of fossils will be hodge-podge with some evidence of habitat and/or water-sorting by body density.

Numerous extinctions will be discovered of unusual, apparently unrelatable living species.

Plant and animal fossils from different strata will be relatively unchanged and will appear of recent origin.

Modern species will distinctly match buried species.

Billions of fossils have been uncovered; hundreds of thousands of these have been catalogued. Millions of tons of fossils are abundantly found around the world. Coal and oil deposits are massive layers of organic fossil material. These often contain not only carbon products from plants, but also animal products including bones, even complete skeletons. New evidence indicates that these hydrocarbon strata were layered quickly. Almost all fossils are known to have been buried in mud. Mass graves with thousands upon thousands of fossils including hundreds of mixed species in one site are not uncommon. Even very fragile species such as jellyfish, leaves and bacteria have been preserved. The famous evolutionary scientist, Stephen Jay Gould, for example in It’s a Wonderful Life catalogues a whole series of previously unknown and unrelated species that were buried catastrophically in the Burgess Shale.

No consensus exists among evolutionary scientists on any intermediary fossils. Archaeopteryx, the most sited “intermediary”, is now claimed by some evolutionists to have had fully developed feathers with wings that were capable of flight and is dated at around 135 million years. If these facts are true, then how could Archaeopteryx be an intermediary? It would have been a full-fledged bird that preceded the appearance of many dinosaur species.

Unfossilized Tyrannosaurus Rex bones were recently found in China. They had the appearance of being recently buried! The interior of these bones still had flexible tissue intact. Yet, on the prejudice of evolutionary thinking, the bones were “dated” at 65,000,000 years. Fresh, flexible tissue after sixty five million years?

Miners and well diggers come across fossils so frequently that these are systematically discarded. One well digger stated to me that he regularly drills into a layer of fresh wood 300 ft down from the surface along the coast of Delaware and Maryland. Museums are so full of fossils that many are warehoused without being catalogued. Marble and granite fossils are so common that we walk on them in our hallways and cut our vegetables on them on our kitchen counters.

No known fossil sequence has ever been demonstrated. Only a few have even been proposed. How about Carl Sagan’s preposterous pictorial evolution of the bear into a whale! How many intermediary steps would this require? The most cited sequence, that of the horse, is contested by scientists, and even contradicted in the fossil record with a South American sequence in reverse of that claimed in the North American fossil record.

Virtually identical fossils of many living species have been found in all layers of the geologic column including some highly differentiated species. Bat fossils, for example, have been found in the Cambrian layer at the bottom of the geologic strata. Life does not appear in slow incremental stages in the fossil record. Rather, life forms appear so suddenly and so abundantly that evolutionary scientists have dubbed this phenomenon, the “Cambrian explosion”. Hundreds of modern species are so common in the “early layers” that they have been called “living fossils” including: dragonflies, sharks, ginkgo trees, cockroaches, opossums, crawdads and protozoa.

Stasis of kinds is the reality of fossil finds. Species appear abruptly and disappear abruptly in the fossil record even over discontinuous strata, over “tens” and even “hundreds of millions” of years with no significant change.

“Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of … intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory.” Darwin: Origin of the Species p.227.

Note: The fossil evidence against evolution has only increased since Darwin penned this statement.


Vote Scott Brown for Massachusetts State Senate

>> Tuesday, January 5, 2010

If you are hoping that Obamacare gets defeated, you might hope that Scott Brown wins Ted Kennedy's old seat. I think one of the reasons why the democrats are pushing so hard to get this bill through is because they don't want to risk Scott Brown getting elected to stop this nightmarish healthcare bill. Even Governor Schwarzenegger is against the health care bill. The fact is that many governors are against this bill because they realize that this bill won't be good for their states and even many democratic governors are against this bill. Is Obama listening? Of course not because he is not to concerned about what the public is saying. I suggest that Massachusetts elect Scott Brown so the Democratic party isn't in absolute control anymore. Even if you are a Democrat, you should want some accountability and with the Democrats in control of the Senate, House and Legislative branch, there is no accountability. They don't seem to care what the people are saying that is for sure.


Geology: Eons of time, or a great flood? Part 14

>> Saturday, January 2, 2010

Geology: Eons of time, or a great flood?
The Naturalistic Evolutionary Model:An Intelligent Design -
Young Earth/Cataclysm Model:

Uniformitarian geological structures will be found all over the earth in coherent, time-sequenced patterns.

Cataclysmic non-uniformitarian geological structures will dominate the earth’s surface.

Evolutionary theorists consistently interpret geological layers in terms of hundreds of millions of years. Their model of geological strata presupposes chronological layering. It is divided (from oldest to youngest) into Pre-Cambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras with each of these subdivided into Eons or Periods.

Young Earth scientists, on the other hand, site the lack of chronological coherence to the kinds of rocks and fossils found in the supposed layers to be an indicator of a single massive cataclysmic flood. These scientists propose that massive multiple layers thousands of feet thick were quickly formed settling onto all of the great plains of the earth’s crust with chasms being cut during one major drainage event which would have naturally followed the flood. The drainage event would thus explain the great canyons of the earth’s plains. These scientists would propose that there was one ice age subsequent to the flood. They would propose that there is no evidence for the currently held uniformitarian geological frame.

The evolutionary model has significant trouble explaining the following anomalies that can easily be explained with a worldwide flood:

1. The model of the geological column in science textbooks is not found complete anywhere on the earth. For example, the Grand Canyon is missing 150 million years of strata. For this model to be true, there must be unknown geologic activity that nicely erases periods of earth’s history by wiping away seemingly random strata allowing for subsequent layers to sit undisturbed in neat pancake fashion on top of others. Missing strata vary from geographical location to geographical location and cover vast areas of the earth’s surface.

2.The determination of a layer is not dependant upon the kind of rocks found in it, nor by any dating technique, much less by the order of the layering with the most recent being on top. No! Rather the age of a stratum is determined by the kind of “trace” fossils found in it. This would be great if there were any validity to the age of the “trace” fossils!

3. Layers are often out of order with the wrong layers on top. In other words often “older” layers are found on top of “younger” ones. In most cases these bizarre reversals show no evidence that the younger layer slipped somehow under the one above it. The layers sit nicely one on top of another sometimes covering many thousands of square miles. The theory of “subduction” was invented to try to explain away the existence of these impossible strata inversions.

4. Strata all over the earth’s surface are found neatly parallel to each other with little indication of millions of years of erosion, of mountain formation, of earth shifting, of earthquake, or of volcanic activity between layers.

5. Polystrate fossils such as tree trunks are neatly found in upright positions on every continent. Evolutionary theory requires that these fossils were positioned across multiple layers through “hundreds of thousands of years” of geologic strata deposition. More realistically these fossils (which are sometimes found upside down) were stuck in deep mud that stratified while the logs were in vertical positions. In other words, all the layers covering these polystrate fossils were layered in a single catastrophic event.

6. Shells, and other ocean fossils are found on the tops of all major mountains.

7. Strata hundreds or even thousands of feet thick are neatly folded together indicating that these were layered together and bent while still plastic like clay. Had they been dry, they would have crumbled in the folding.

8. The dating of layers involves circular reasoning. Trace fossils are used to supply ages for strata. The presumed ages of strata are used to confirm the ages of the trace fossils. Radiometric dating has been found useless to independently date the strata. No other independent measurements are used to confirm these supposed ages. (See sections on radiometric dating, and on fossil evidence.)

9. Even evolutionists indicate that the evidence points to catastrophic events in contradiction to the prediction of uniformitarianism. For example, most evolutionists agree that the dinosaurs died in a catastrophic event when a meteor hit the earth. Neo-evolutionists propose at least 4 worldwide catastrophic events. Such events, however, would cause mass extinction accompanied by severe and radical changes to the global environment alternatively causing: tsunamis; deluge; earthquakes; volcanic activity; heating; atmospheric shading; freezing; the release of toxic gas over the whole earth; greenhouse effects; ice ages, etc. Each geologic catastrophe would set evolution back tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of years and require efficient evolutionary processes to re-establish newly derived species from the poorly adapted survivors.

10. Under such conditions, it is hard to explain the stasis of species. How is it that certain species show virtually no change over hundreds of millions of years in light of the dramatic changes to the earth’s environment?

(Part 15 Coming Soon)


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