Homologous Elements: One big happy family? Part 18
>> Friday, January 29, 2010
Homologous Elements: One big happy family? | |
The Naturalistic Evolutionary Model: | An Intelligent Design - Young Earth/Cataclysm Model: |
Prediction: Homologous elements will point to relationships and lineage among classes of organisms. | Prediction: Homologous elements will be discontinuous appearing in unrelatable classes of species. |
Many studies have shown potential relationships among and across species. Whether these relationships are inherited or the reflection of design is disputed. The genome studies of DNA show a high correlation between phyla suggesting hereditary or designed relationships. For example some have suggested that homologous elements between two supposed close relatives chimpanzees and humans in the DNA code might be as high as 98%. If the human gene code has 3 billion nucleotides in sequence than a 2% difference indicates 60 million items of information modifications to the code. How many generations of evolution would this much change imply? Based upon common characteristics, all mammals are supposed to be related. No sequence of inherited characteristics, however, has been described scientifically in detail. There have only been proposed grand sequences without any evidence. For example some evolutionists have proposed that hippos are predecessors to whales. Darwin suggested swimming bears could have evolved into whales. Carl Sagan helped develop a mural for National Geographic where mammals became whales. Yet, there is no described sequence with realistic discrete intermediary steps from one to another. There are many examples of discontinuous design elements found in unrelatable species. Here are four examples of mammals with relatable design elements found in peers. There are no satisfactory presupposed common ancestors. For these species similarities are more easily used as criteria for classification and support the argument for design rather than the theory for common descent: Several marsupial species that keep their new-born in a pouch, and suckle their young in their belly have look-alike placental mammals including: the wolf, the flying squirrel, cats, ground hogs, anteaters, moles, and mice. Bats fly like birds, and have radar like dolphins. The duckbilled platypus has fur, is warm-blooded, and suckles its young (like mammals); it lays leathery eggs, has a single ventral opening for elimination, mating and birth, and has claws and a shoulder girdle (like most reptiles); it can detect electrical currents, both AC & DC (like some fish) and has a bill like a duck (a bird). Furthermore, it has webbed forefeet like an otter; a flat tail like a beaver and the male can inject poisonous venom like a pit viper. Are these complex abilities by design, or are they the result of hundreds of thousands of discrete positive mutations from a totally unknown series of ancestors? The panda has many structures similar to bears and other structures similar to raccoons such that evolutionary biologists are perplexed about classifying it between the two categories. |
Note: Some atheistic evolutionist are still trying to compare Creationist to people who believed in the Flat Earth view. Comments like this just shows the complete ignorance and stupidity of these atheist. If Creationism was this unscientific, then there wouldn't be any famous scientists who would believe it, which there are. You should do your research before making stupid statements like this. I would prefer to stick with the scientific facts, and not ignorant comments.
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