The Response about Ben Stein from Evolutionist

>> Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ben Stein came out with a documentary called, "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed", where he demonstrated discrimination in science against the Creationist and Intelligent Design people.

Richard Dawkins and other evolutionist are saying that they were deceived hiding the fact that the film was about "Intelligent Design". Why do they care what the movie was about when the documentary didn't make them look like idiots, but their own words did.

Of course, all of the left-wing attacks are out in full force attacking the movie. However, I think Ben Stein did a great job in interviewing both sides of the argument. When I have watched shows on the History channel about the Bible, or Noah's flood, they have always shown only one side of the issue. One geologist on this program said, "There is no evidence for a world wide flood." Are they saying that they couldn't find one geologist that believes in Noah's flood? They definitely didn't look very hard if that is the case. That is the same thing that is going on with the theory of evolution. We are presented with one side and only one side.

The fact is that there are many scientist that do not believe in the evolutionary theory and if they question it, they are reprimanded for it.

One attack on the movie is by Catsoulis where she said, "One of the sleaziest documentaries to arrive in a very long time, “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” is a conspiracy-theory rant masquerading as investigative inquiry."

Why does she say that? It is because the documentary is telling the truth?

The fact is that Intelligent Design is a valid scientific theory. The evolutionist are quite scared of the creationist, and that is why so few of them would be willing to debate them.


Ben June 19, 2009 at 9:00 AM  

What about an evolution of thinking and start to consider a much larger picture that allows for a bridge of understanding to be built between the two sides in the debate and include a simple explanation of the source of ALL the world religions and at the same time connects with modern science and the appearance of the Ufos over the millennia especially since 1945.The progression of design, evidenced by the theory of evolution, could in fact be evolution of design by very advanced science? Our scientists can create life artificially.They will in the future create more and more complex organisms and should our humanity be wise enough to avoid self-destruction,they will perhaps create man in their own image. The the buckle will be closed and our scientists will become like those our ancestors mistook for god or gods.

What about an evolution of thinking and start to consider a much larger picture that allows for a bridge of understanding to be built between the two sides in the debate about our origins and includes a simple explanation of the source of ALL the world religions and at the same time connects with modern science and the appearance of the Ufos over the millennia especially since 1945.The progression of design, evidenced by the theory of evolution, could in fact be evolution of design by very advanced science? If Our scientists can create life artificially through the synthesis of DNA,then they will in the future create more and more complex organisms and should our humanity be wise enough to avoid self-destruction,they will perhaps create man in their own image. Then the the buckle will be closed and our scientists will become like those our ancestors mistook for god or gods.There is an interesting quote,
'The more primitive a society the more deistic religions will flourish within it.This fact is cultivated by visitors from other planets who have no other way of peacefully visiting worlds that have not yet overcome their aggressiveness.'

bobxxxx June 19, 2009 at 10:10 AM  

"left-wing attacks"

Since when did defending science become a political idea?

Greg June 19, 2009 at 11:08 AM  


The idea of evolution is political and Ben Stein's movie demonstrates that. The scientific community is suppressing facts of the theory of evolution to push their atheistic agenda. That is well known and Ben Stein has documented that very well. Of course you aren't going to agree with it because you are part of the atheistic group that thinks science has proved everything. Of course, none of them know how life actually began.

Now, obviously you aren't smart enough to have an intelligent discussion. That is what the left-wing and atheistic community does. They refuse to discuss it intelligently, so they result to attacks. Your whole atheistic life is based on the theory of evolution and that is why you result to attacks. Why do you want to believe in evolution so badly? What does it offer you? Does it actually make your life better?

How am I lying about science? I am quite sure that I have taken more science classes than you have ever heard of. I can tell by how intellectually superior I am to you. Your language makes you look like a complete idiot.

Please do not leave a comment on my blog again. You aren't even worth discussing anything with.

Greg June 19, 2009 at 11:15 AM  


I agree with you that it would be helpful to create a bridge of understanding between the two sides with good solid debates. However, I reject the UFO idea completely. When you conclude that intelligence is involved in nature, the only next logical step is to conclude that God created it.

We have satellites taking pictures of the Earth 24 hours of day, and we have not seen anything JFO ever coming to earth from. We have also never found any life on any planets that we have studied.

Science can use DNA to create something, but can they create DNA? That is the question and the answer is no.

After concluding that there is intelligence, you need to conclude that there is a God and that is what people like Dawkins fight against. Even if God appeared to Richard Dawkins, I am sure he wouldn't believe in God still. His whole life depends on the theory of evolution.

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