Fossils: What Kind of Fossils are found and in what order? Part 15

>> Monday, January 11, 2010

Fossils: What Kind of Fossils are found and in what order?
The Naturalistic Evolutionary Model:An Intelligent Design -
Young Earth/Cataclysm Model:

Fossils will be relatively rare.
Most fossils will be of great antiquity.

The fossil record, though incomplete, will reveal abundant evidence of intermediate extinct species and lineages found in bottom to top chronological order in the earth’s strata.

Modern species will be quite distinct from primitive species.

The fossil record will show that all manner of plants & animals were buried quickly, together, in mud.
Groupings of fossils will be hodge-podge with some evidence of habitat and/or water-sorting by body density.

Numerous extinctions will be discovered of unusual, apparently unrelatable living species.

Plant and animal fossils from different strata will be relatively unchanged and will appear of recent origin.

Modern species will distinctly match buried species.

Billions of fossils have been uncovered; hundreds of thousands of these have been catalogued. Millions of tons of fossils are abundantly found around the world. Coal and oil deposits are massive layers of organic fossil material. These often contain not only carbon products from plants, but also animal products including bones, even complete skeletons. New evidence indicates that these hydrocarbon strata were layered quickly. Almost all fossils are known to have been buried in mud. Mass graves with thousands upon thousands of fossils including hundreds of mixed species in one site are not uncommon. Even very fragile species such as jellyfish, leaves and bacteria have been preserved. The famous evolutionary scientist, Stephen Jay Gould, for example in It’s a Wonderful Life catalogues a whole series of previously unknown and unrelated species that were buried catastrophically in the Burgess Shale.

No consensus exists among evolutionary scientists on any intermediary fossils. Archaeopteryx, the most sited “intermediary”, is now claimed by some evolutionists to have had fully developed feathers with wings that were capable of flight and is dated at around 135 million years. If these facts are true, then how could Archaeopteryx be an intermediary? It would have been a full-fledged bird that preceded the appearance of many dinosaur species.

Unfossilized Tyrannosaurus Rex bones were recently found in China. They had the appearance of being recently buried! The interior of these bones still had flexible tissue intact. Yet, on the prejudice of evolutionary thinking, the bones were “dated” at 65,000,000 years. Fresh, flexible tissue after sixty five million years?

Miners and well diggers come across fossils so frequently that these are systematically discarded. One well digger stated to me that he regularly drills into a layer of fresh wood 300 ft down from the surface along the coast of Delaware and Maryland. Museums are so full of fossils that many are warehoused without being catalogued. Marble and granite fossils are so common that we walk on them in our hallways and cut our vegetables on them on our kitchen counters.

No known fossil sequence has ever been demonstrated. Only a few have even been proposed. How about Carl Sagan’s preposterous pictorial evolution of the bear into a whale! How many intermediary steps would this require? The most cited sequence, that of the horse, is contested by scientists, and even contradicted in the fossil record with a South American sequence in reverse of that claimed in the North American fossil record.

Virtually identical fossils of many living species have been found in all layers of the geologic column including some highly differentiated species. Bat fossils, for example, have been found in the Cambrian layer at the bottom of the geologic strata. Life does not appear in slow incremental stages in the fossil record. Rather, life forms appear so suddenly and so abundantly that evolutionary scientists have dubbed this phenomenon, the “Cambrian explosion”. Hundreds of modern species are so common in the “early layers” that they have been called “living fossils” including: dragonflies, sharks, ginkgo trees, cockroaches, opossums, crawdads and protozoa.

Stasis of kinds is the reality of fossil finds. Species appear abruptly and disappear abruptly in the fossil record even over discontinuous strata, over “tens” and even “hundreds of millions” of years with no significant change.

“Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of … intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory.” Darwin: Origin of the Species p.227.

Note: The fossil evidence against evolution has only increased since Darwin penned this statement.


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